I read the first 50-ish pages of the book and realized it was going to be another one of those "China is Confucian" cliches and then stopped reading. The problem that I see, and that all of China's critics see, is that Chinese development is going in the wrong direction. Sure, it's better than it was under Mao when it was the poorest country on the planet, but it's no where near it's potential... and its burning down the future by returning to the worst instincts of authoritarianism. Sure, the extremely wealthy author of this book and some people who are "winning" the status game inside China are happy, and they're the only people we get to hear from because everyone else is hidden behind the Great Firewall... but when I was in China I encountered hundreds of poorer people who were desperately critical of what was happening because they're lives were being plowed under by China's terrible direction. Thanks for the review.

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Thanks for the comment. To be fair, while it's clear that Keyu Jin belongs to a small, privileged elite, I get the impression that the Chinese political system's justifications for its own existence are still quite widely believed at all levels of Chinese society, although there is certainly also frustration and discontent at all levels.

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Read “Invisible China” by Scott Rozelle to better understand the plight of the 600,000,000+ rural people in China.

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Yes, I think it's an excellent book, as I mentioned above.

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bela artikolo, se britujo havus la ĉinan regisaran sistemon, mi povu protesti, ĉar la malsanulejo wittington ne sukcesas fari simplan korbildon pro mi de januaro, sed ni havas la gazetaran librecon, en kiu la gazetaro estas kontrolata de tiuj, kiuj volas privatigi la sanservon. renato

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Jes, sed konsideru ankaŭ ke en Cxinio la sanservoj ne estas tute senpagaj kiel en Britio.

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Apr 27Liked by Gabriel

mi ne pensis, ke en ĉinujo la sanservo estas parte paga, sed en britujo la konservativuloj laŭgrade puŝas ĝin al la usona privata sistemo.

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